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We are excited to join you at the

2024 NASPA Strategies Conferences

The convergence of the NASPA Alcohol, Other Drug, and Violence Prevention, Mental Health, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response, Well-Being and Health Promotion Leadership, and the Peer Education conferences allows campus practitioners a unique opportunity to learn, network and engage.  

San Fransisco, California

Hilton San Francisco Union Square
333 O’Farrell Street San Francisco, CA 94102

January 18th – January 20th, 2024

Thursday, January 18th, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Saturday, January 20th, 2024 at 11:00AM

Conference Schedule

View the varied conferences and keynote speakers for the 2024 NASPA Strategies Conferences schedule by clicking the button below.

Thank you for visiting us.

It was a pleasure seeing you at the 2024 NASPA Strategies Conferences and thank you  for your interest in learning more. On this site, we have provided information on our solutions and team.

Our solutions

Download and see the many solutions we have to offer both higher education institutions and students.



Virtual visits 24/7 from a smart phone, computer or other mobile device.

Academic Student Assistant Program

Protecting their physical, mental, and financial wellbeing.

Student Health Solutions

Solutions for Student Health & Wellness

Tuition Secure

Protect your students investment and give parents peace of mind.

Connect with us

Submit the form below to enter to receive a $50 digital gift card!

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Conference Representatives

Boyce Morin

VP, of University Health Plans

Joe Hein

Director of Strategic Growth and products

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